Consumers Overwhelmed by Junk Mail, Survey Finds

Survey Shows Consumer Opinions on Junk Mail

Survey Shows Consumer Opinions on Junk Mail

BOULDER, COLO. Mar. 7, 2007 Consumers think they are getting too much junk mail according to's 2006 fourth quarter survey. Results show that the majority of survey participants receive at least 6-10 catalogs per week, almost all of which are discarded immediately, leaving many to question the impact of direct mail on their homes and businesses, as well as the environment. releases their consumer opinion survey quarterly in an effort to determine how best to control or eliminate the nuisance and environmental impact of junk mail. The survey is given anonymously to a nationwide sampling of consumers to accurately show attitudes toward unwanted mail.

The survey also asks consumers what they believe are direct mail's worst offenders with banks at the top of the list, followed by catalogs and coupons. The top three cancelled catalogs during the last quarter were Lands End, Wine Country Gift Baskets and Herrington. Direct mail lists that consumers most asked to be removed from included the Direct Marketing Association, Experian and Equifax.

While the overall findings show that most people don't appreciate and immediately throw away unwanted mail, they wouldn't mind the occasional catalog or direct mail offer if they could control the frequency. One-third of survey participants wouldn't mind getting catalogs once every three months, while the majority still says they would rather get a catalog once or twice a year with e-updates, or shop online exclusively.

Almost half of all survey participants claim to be concerned about the environmental impact of junk mail is not a surprising statistic in light of the "green awareness" sprouting up in more and more businesses everyday.'s environmentally friendly opt-out service is a hassle-free way for individuals to make a positive impact on the environment, while lightening their mail load.

To view a copy of the survey results or get more information on, please contact

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